Policies / Stratégies


The constitution and bylaws of our organization serve as the foundational documents that outline our purpose, structure, and operations. Together, they establish the fundamental principles and guidelines that govern Softball New Brunswick’s activities, functions, and decision-making processes. Copies of these documents are available below and on our website under the policy section.

Constitution & Bylaws



Softball New Brunswick recognizes its responsibility to foster environments that ensure positive, healthy, and fulfilling experiences. By prioritizing the welfare, safety, and rights of our members, Softball New Brunswick is able to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to address the needs of the softball community in relation to safety in sport.

To ensure policies remain current and continue to align with Sport Canada requirements, Softball New Brunswick, in partnership with Sport Law and Strategy Group (SLSG) has conducted an independent review. As a result of this review, Softball New Brunswick has adopted an updated suite of Safe Sport policies as of May 25th, 2021 including the integration of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS).

Softball New Brunswick commits itself to reviewing and revising these policies as often as necessary in order to ensure members can participate in a sporting environment that is free from harassment, discrimination and abuse.

All Softball New Brunswick members, including players, coaches, and umpires, etc., have the responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and policies of Softball New Brunswick.

Concussion Policy

Safe Sport Policy Suite

Discipline Guidelines

Conflict of Interest Policy

Transgender Policy

Concussion Policy

Softball Canada Inclusion Policy

Softball Canada Impairment and Accommodations Policy

Softball NB Travel Policy


If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the Softball New Brunswick policies, please contact the Executive Director at executivedirector@softballnb.ca.


Tous les membres de Softball Nouveau-Brunswick, y compris les joueurs, les entraîneurs et les arbitres, etc., ont la responsabilité de se conformer aux règles, règlements et politiques de Softball Nouveau-Brunswick.

Guide disciplinaire

Politique sur les conflits d'intérêts

Politique transgenre

Politique sur les commotions cérébrales

Politique d'inclusion

Politique sur les déficiences et les accommodements

Politique de remboursement de voyages

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations concernant l'une des politiques de Softball Nouveau-Brunswick, veuillez contacter la directrice générale au executivedirector@softballnb.ca.

Upcoming Events

Mar. 29, 2025 to Mar. 30, 2025

Coaching Course: Competition Introduction Weekend 1

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Apr. 12, 2025 to Apr. 13, 2025

Coaching Course: Competition Introduction Weekend 2
UNB Fredericton

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